Friday, March 14, 2025

The power of the network

Great insight from Peter Knight - the franchise accountant on networking .

I look forward to sharing with him the power of #referron - so that more time can be spent on klt and less time on administration on tracking #referrals :) 

❓Why bother with networking?

💥Because it works.
And because we like to do business with people we know and trust.#KLT 

And it’s only by spending time with fellow service providers and suppliers that we get to really know them and find out about their businesses.

💥It builds trust and respect.

- It allows for a deeper understanding of what makes them tick.

- You find out more than what’s in the brochure! (What’s a brochure? 😂🤣)

💥And we have a lot of fun on the way. 

#Network #Networking #BusinessNetworking #Franchise #FranchiseBusiness #FranchiseDevelopment #FranchiseAccountantsNetwork #TheFranchiseAccountant #BusinessDevelopment #Growth #Sales #Referral #bni #bbgforum

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is not for the feint hearted

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is not for the feint hearted  -and let me tell you - the odds are not in your favour!!!! 

 There’s no shortcut…. And the risks are massive !!!!

Steve Blank’s latest article on needing to go through the hard yards of peeling potatoes to doing the crummy inane jobs - like peeling potatoes  - was all part of the process enabling him to become a successful #entrepreneur!!

You can read as many self help books and how the Facebook  NVIDIA  and Amazon  have done it ….. but unless you’ve done it , failed, pivoted , failed again , and joined that exclusive club -  “club fear” - 😨 - the chances of making it are thin! 

Some sage advice ….. If you’re not passionate about what you do - get a job!!!! ! 

Spoiler 🔔 alert 
To create a perfect product ….. there are a number of things that need to get done to make it right….. and you need to make it right every time !!!!

some of the lessons

💥While peeling potatoes during basic training-  a mundane job - was bfo 1 (blinding flash of the obvious) unless you do it right - you not gonna feed 10,000 people!!! 

💥Worked for months telemarketing 
 making appointments for a startup - 
💥understanding that to get 1 sale - we needed to make 100calls and send out 20 proposals !  (Taking the concept of “knowing your numbers to a new level) 
💥Answered 100s of Requests For Proposals (RFP’s.) 
💥Designed tradeshow booths, spent long nights at shows setting them up, and long days inside them during the shows.
💥Write 1000s of blogs, and made countless sales presentations 
💥flew to hundreds of customer meetings on red-eyes at a drop of a hat (making sales guys rich and gaining a huge appreciation for their skills.)
💥Partnered with engineering trying to understand what customers really wanted, needed and would pay for, versus what we could actually build and deliver (and learning the difference between a simply good engineer and working in the presence of sheer genius.) 
💥In the sprint to completing a government tender issued on 20 December that had to be completed by 31 December , slept under the desk in my office with our entire team!
💥Each of those crummy, tedious, exhausting jobs and the 100s more -  made me understand how hard they were. 

Each made me appreciate the complexity of the systems (with people being the most valuable) that make up successful companies. 

It made me understand that they were doable, solvable and winnable.

By the time our business started taking shape - I knew what each job in our organisation  meant because I had done every one of them. 

I knew what it took to get each  job done and cog turned  (and screw them up) which has given me  a huge respect for every member of our team …..  without their passion and dedication and expertise - our business would never have survived! 

to read about some Aussie success stories - here’s Venture Capital  in Australia

Unpopular opinion: we should not strive for customer satisfaction - and cheap service is actually good service. Who said that and why?

It was awesome to host the legendary Gunnar Habitz at todays Referron Forum at NAB

Todd Gorsuch, the CEO of the Customer Science Group, talked about High Value Growth at today's Referron Growth Forum hosted in the #nab Business Banking Centre and facilitated by Vani Pandya of CDM Direct.

As one of the 100 fastest growing organisations of its kind, people listen to Todd's contrary positions. His research showed that customer satisfaction only helps clients to stay - but creating value in their view makes them grow.

The mentioned term "high value" normally goes hand in hand with properly paid services. But Todd mentioned that good service is actually "cheap" as it is created with less frustration, less complexity and thus less chances to go wrong. And yes, complexity makes processes expensive.

How to network as such an event when meeting with strangers? Typically I would use the LinkedIn app showing my QR code - but thanks to Ivan Kaye and Raphaël Bismut I enjoyed using the Referron app as a unique approach towards bringing trusted referrals together.

The power of human connection instead of chasing follower growth!

How do you connect with people at insightful events like this one?

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