Monday, May 25, 2020

6 of my Tips for using Linked In as a lead source

Linkedin integral to the process - I have developed a following of over 30k linked 1st contacts - which has opened up a great source of ideal prospects for my business .

Get on LinkedIn and focus your opportunities there 

  1. Complete your profile - it’s the window to your business - make it compelling - add value to your ideal customer- share stuff about you - share your story - who you are, what you do  and how you can help them , what’s drives you - it’s the first part of a journey 
  2. Connect with everyone - this is your lead base - use it as a vessel to source ideal targets - the more you connex with interesting g people - people you don’t know - the more opportunities you are going to have 
  3. Endorse and recommend others - the best way to receive and endorse is to give endorsements and recommendations . Go through close friends and colleagues - endorse and recommend them - leave messages on their profile so other people can see how good they are . 
  4. Create your own targeted LinkedIn group - it’s effectively a bbg forum - I use Whatsapp - sports industry network - sports industry execs from around the world - Expands influence - enables me To send message to all members 
  5. Optimise you’re profile for search rankings - 
  6. Create content - optimise - tips and tricks . Make sure you have key words in your profile - People searching experts consultants thought leaders freelancers

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