Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Why wear masks

Thank you David Bray from the I4J forum

The challenge is those who rush to masks as "a solution" miss the latent real variable that matters, which is you don't need a mask if you don't touch your face without washing your hands first + don't touch other people + regularly wash your hands. 

The reason why this is important is because you might think you're okay with a mask, except you fidget with it = in which case it was all for naught. 

Or you take you mask off at home, forget to wash your hands and again = all for naught. 

Science and health is about getting to the root causes. So if you let people know the real goal is: 

*** don't touch your face or other orifices without washing your hands first + don't touch other people + regularly wash your hands ***

And that for some, a mask might help w/ not touching you face - whereas for others it might cause them to fidget or introduce stress-related anxiety at seeing everyone in masks - that's better scientific advice based on the data today. 

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