Friday, March 23, 2018

Phase 2 of BBG in action - Growth Acceleration Programme and Dip Biz

Scott - inspiring, enthusing and engaging 

Sarah - loving it 

Outcomes that we were going to address 

Feedback from Des Whyte 

Hey Ivan and Scott,


1.       Thank you for inviting me to the bsi Learning “Develop and use emotional intelligence” workshop.


2.       I found the 4 hour workshop very good.


3.       What is the one thing that I can implement?


a.       The most important thing that I will consciously implement is that “by pausing for just a single second in ALL circumstances to understand the consequences of my body language, words and actions will have a massively disproportionate positive benefit for our business and me personally”.

4.       What did I think of Scott Henderson?

a.       Scott is obviously a passionate, practical expert on the subject matter from academic, practitioner and facilitating perspective.

b.      To take me as a total novice to having a very good understanding of emotional intelligence in a 4 hour workshop takes a huge amount of skill – which Scott achieved.

c.       Scott kept my interest and attention for the whole time – the 4 hours flew past.


5.       What was the highlight?

a.       This confirms the Buddhist saying “we more often need to be reminded than instructed”

                                                               i.      As a senior business owner and executive, putting aside 4 hours per month, is such a great investment of my time to keep sharp on a diverse range of business topics.


6.       Why have I signed up for the BSI Diploma of Business.

a.       Investing a small ½ day per month over the next 8 months to take away fantastic applicable expertise and be reminded of the right way to do things across multiple business disciplines is a no brainer.


Thanks Ivan & Scott!!!

Note from Ivan - to see whether we can add value to you - register for one of our events on us - - use promocode BBGGUEST if you haven’t come to a. Precious event . Feel free to contact me to find out more! 

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