Tuesday, May 28, 2024

You have a meeting with a prospect of note - 11 points to close the sale and create an advocate

  1. Beware of impostor syndrome - you know your product - no one knows it better - you . They are no better than you 
  2. You passionately believe in your product and it will add value to them 
  3. They have same anxiousness as you
  4. Know your product - know them - do your research - what are their pain points ? 
  5. Know the Person - what personality - what are theirs hot buttons - do they like stories or facts 
  6. Find the problem before giving the solution … peel the onion - let them come up with the solution / solutions 
  7. Customise  and personalise to persons needs, wants and desires - is sustainability , dei, right left - what are their hot buttons - they may buy on the bells and whistles - and will always buy on the relationships 
  8. The value gap - give them something that has nothing to do with the product - It’s invariably not about the price or the product - it’s about the relationship 
  9. Underpromise  and over deliver
  10. Follow up - get feedback and google review 
  11. Ask for a referral 

As my friend Rana Kordahi says

“What will set you apart from your customers is you expertise, unique insights, genuine curiosity, authenticity, and sincere desire to add value. And most importantly, the belief that you have in yourself and your products and services.”

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