Ivan Kaye's presentation to the Sydney Super Forum
The Playlist
- The Presentation (the #bbgknowledgeshare)
- Unpacking The Thinktank
- The Takeouts
Referron enables you to send your vcard to people you meet , and easily refer them to people in your network that you know like and trust in seconds. Referron can report your activities - because what you can measure you can manage! This blog will h lp you as an entrepreneur and business owner to grow with the 5 Cs . Connection, Collaboration, Contribution, Continuity and building Capability to build old an amazing Community
An amazing session at our #yarningcircle our diversity equity and inclusion #bbgforum sponsored by Points4Purpose
Below are some takeouts
We were priviliged to have Gary Bolles share his insights in the future of work, followed up by our ThinkTank with our members and guests of the Wheelhouse Forum