John calls it context for connection - a great way to starting these new relationships and discussions - find commonalities to spark discussions with new connections.
Inbound Invites + Engagement = Success on LinkedIn
Be sure to build your LinkedIn profile in a way that helps your ideal clients and customers understand who you are and how you can help them, and if you’ve included the right keywords inside your profile, you’re going to see a steady stream of inbound invites from people wanting to connect to you on the network.
To enable you to get a steady stream of “inbound invites” you need to create a “client facing” profile.
John has an amazing Template use this copy-and-paste LinkedIn profile template that includes some of his favorite phrases, keywords and formatting tips.)
An inbound or “Received” invitation on LinkedIn is ideal, because that means someone else has taken the time to “find” you on the platform, look at your profile and send an invitation wanting to connect with you personally.
It’s akin to a WARM REFERRAL!
Sometimes, these inbound invites you receive will include a personal note from the person about how he or she found you and why he or she wants to connect.
But more often than not, you’ll just see some inbound, generic invites sitting there once you click on the “My Network” tab at the top of your LinkedIn page.
Follow These Steps to Filter your Inbound contacts
(Not on mobile) First, click on “My Network” at the top of the page. That will pull up all your inbound or “Received” invitations from people who want to connect with you.
Next, click “Manage All” in the top corner of that “Invitations” area, and you’ll be brought to a new page that allows you to utilize the different filters I’ve mentioned.
The filters are laid out in boxes above your “Received” (or inbound) LinkedIn invites to connect. Simply click on the box you want to filter by (“All Invitations,” “From Your Company,” “From Your School” or “Has Mutual Connections”) to sort the list of inbound invites accordingly.
The Power of Context
Imagine seeing someone who went to the same school: business/university / festival as you has just sent an invite to connect. you have a commonality that you can connect with!
Find the hook!
You can now easily accept the person’s invite, and then fire off a personalized, 1-on-1 message asking about his or her experience at your school as an icebreaker.
Here’s a sample message you could use after accepting an invite that seems to work for me
Hey [NAME] – thanks for inviting me to connect!
I noticed you are a (profession) and work at (business) and we have (nunmber of mutual contacts)
why not join me as my guest for breakfast at our next breakfast forum... and start connecting and collaborating with people that I know like and trust.
Join me as my guest at (your bbg breakfast forum link) I look forward to putting a face to a name.
Looking forward to learning more about you professionally and how I can help you out!Best Ivan ps.. Click link to view my profile and connect with me on referron If you update your profile on referron, you will create your own virtual business card. ppshave a look at our weekly blog
Find the icebreaker - based on a few different filters, and that context for a conversation is where the magic begins to happen on LinkedIn.
Messaging Magic
Make sure you spend time formulating a series of great intros and conversation starters - having an inbound request for a connection is like a warm lead!
Don’t lose it!
Be sure you have a system to spark new conversations when others are inviting you to connect!