Monday, September 2, 2024

Connecting and Collaborating in the City - using Referron

There’s something about working in the city !!!
Bumped into my good friend Gunnar Habitz  who works at ActiveCampaign  - he is a networker and collaborator and connector of note!!

Love the way he does business using the acronym #GLUE
Give , Listen , Unite  and Enhance 

Fits in well with Referron’s #5Cs 
Connect, Collaborate, Contribute, Continuously in a Capable way to build an awesome Community!!

We shared ideas - and Sparks were flying - we were connecting, sending VCards and referring with #referron . Looking forward to integrate referron with Active campaign and Automation and other #crms 

One needs to find a secret weapon! I reckon I have found mine.(#referron) 

What is yours?

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