Friday, June 7, 2024

The immutable 15 laws of the IK doctrine

Going away for a short break - and having 5 hours on a plane - for me - is a great time to look back, look forward, realign . 

Below are 15 immutable Laws or Insights  that have been taught to me by my mentors, experiences, colleagues , family and friends over the years !! 

Law 1 -  “The more you give the more you get!”

“it’s all about your customer” and how you make your customer feel. 

“People don’t care how much you know - until they know how much you care !!”

Robyn Kaye 

Mark Champley 

Law 2 - “if it don’t  flow - let it go” - let it go” 

go for the ride - a wave will happen with or  without you - ride the wave .

In South Africa , India and China - when the lower class was moving to a middle class - it was an amazing wave to watch 

Masses - will create wave - fighting against it is like pushing shot uphill - until you gain traction.

3  questions come to mind  

  1. How do you  get flow and create that wave ? 
  2. How do you get The power of 10 - 10X 
  3. How do you  gain traction - and get flow 

  •  Believe you are doing the right things and not just “things right”
  • get advocates - followers that believe - others will come
  •  if you are persistent 
  • lots of energy needed
  • continuity, consistency and persistency 
  • Doing something that has been done before - like ducks migrating - arrow - people follow each other 
  • Running un groups 
  • Mass creates energy 

Law 3 - “where your energy does go - so it will grow “

You can control where  you place your effort and where you place your energy - and where you do that so will that grow and flourish! 

Law 4 - luv what you do . 

Don’t be a martyr - and do what you don’t like - life is to short - find the wave that fits with your values/beliefs / energy/aura …..don’t be afraid to fail and start again … if you feel that it’s right - it’s right!!!

Law 5 - the law of the mirror 

 “Life is like a mirror - people around you will adapt to how you feel - adapt to your energy and adapt to your wave length “

  I f you feel successful so you will be - and those around you will be 

  • if you feel miserable  so you will be - and those around you will be 
  • if you feel happy   so you will be - and those around you will be 
  • If you feel like a winner - people will see you as a winner 
  • You choose your team 
  • You chose your attitude - and your attitude and aptitude will determine your altitude 
  • What you say about people is a Reflection of you - what people say about you - is a reflection of them 

People will be attracted to those that they want to feel like 

Law 6 - “practice practice practice” 

the more you do - the better you will become. Be the “college of knowledge” “the subject matter expert” “the go to person”

Law 7  - “ be the centre of influence” 

of your target market - be the “college of knowledge” be the subject matter expert - go to person - for the person people who you want to serve - your customer

Here are some of my tricks :)

Law 8 - systems are key to exponential growth - ai , automation etc 

“what got you to $1m won’t get you to $10m - “what got you to $10m won’t get you to $100m -  systems are key to growth - build the systems that align with riding the wave - not with changing the wave . Change - you won’t change the wave - you will change where you are in connection with the wave 


Law 9 - it’s not about the people - it’s about the right people 

Surround yourself with the “right people”

 it’s not about people - it’s about the “right people” around you - if you are the smartest person in the room - find another room - find a mentor - you become what the people around you are 

Allen Pathmarajah 

Law 10 - life long learning 

It’s all a work in progress - as long as you breath - you haven’t yet finished your mission 

Kala Philip 

Law 11 - “it’s just a fuckin rock” 

 don’t fret about “owning things” or “owning places”

 you are just here for a short time - and then you are gone 

you are leaving a legacy for the way it makes you feel - you are not doing it for anyone else - no-one else . 

You are just a tenant on this planet πŸŒŽ 

Look after it , respect it - it’s not yours 

It’s all about the stories that you weave and listen to and a learn from - it’s about the software - the neurals - not the thing 

“It’s not about the thing” 

- it about how the thing makes you feel”

 - what else can trigger that feeling ?

Kate Engler 

Herman Gyr

Global Client Action Forum

Yuval Noah Herari ! 

Law 12  - what you dream - you will manifest  

Law 13 - vision with action - with the right values - on the right wave - with the right people lπŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸ€·πŸ»‍♀️πŸ’ƒπŸ™‹πŸΎ‍♀️πŸ™‹‍♂️πŸ’πŸ½‍♂️🧟‍♀️πŸ‘―πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ‘¨πŸ•ΊπŸ§ž‍♂️πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ’‹‍πŸ‘¨ on the right bus πŸšŒ will get you where you want to go ….

  • How do you ride that wave 
  • the tools , the people around you
  • Have a  destination in nind - although it will invariably be a different destination where you will end up - that’s ok .

Make sure you are moving forward !!! 

Law 14 - use the best tools πŸ§°  πŸ’»  πŸ“± πŸ’° πŸ’΅that are available . 

Social networks , ai , databases, apps , drills …. Automation is good - ride the wave 

Law 15 - care for your team team - and be aware how you make them feel

 it’s all about family  and friends πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘¦‍πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘¦πŸͺ’ 

be sure to continually praise them for there effort to do good - and celebrate wins 

People don’t care how much you know - until they know how much you care !!

As my wife, Robyn says …. Ivan - do what you say!!!

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