Friday, June 7, 2024

Continuous Sales prospecting is key to success

Another great article - packed with insights from my friend Rana Kordahi

It’s not instant !

When it comes to prospecting and filling a sales pipeline, the biggest problem I often see, is that salespeople want instant results.

They might make hundreds of sales calls, and send out lots of emails, but because they are not getting immediate results, they say that it’s not working. 

Continuity is key!!

Many times, they give up after a few days. Or slow down their sales activities.

However, the sales and marketing activities that we do in a 30 day period, usually compounds over a 90 day period. 

Because customers usually take a while to know, like, and trust you and your brand. Or, they are not ready to buy at the point of contact. It's important to use our prospecting calls to also:
  1.  Create curiosity and awareness
  2. Start the conversation.
  3. Create a touchpoint to follow up
  4. Gather information.

What are some of your insights?

What are some small and large prospecting habits that you’re creating today, that will reap results in the future?

#thesellingacademy #prospecting #sales #b2bsales #salespipeline 

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