Wednesday, May 29, 2024

the 10 commandments for an entrepreneur -


taken at BSI's Christmas party in 2002 

The ten commandments are pearls of wisdom that I have picked up from friends and acquaintances over the years 

1.       Set your goal and go for it

2.       Be tireless and persevere.

3.       Focus on niche markets.

4.       Be decisive and implement decisions quickly.

5.       Listen and be responsive to customers, suppliers, employees, and investors.

6.       Maintain CFN—cash flow now.

7.       Innovate.

8.       Minimize layers of management.

9.       Maximize profits by keeping costs low and productivity high.

10.   Believe in yourself.



Ø  TARGET - Know your outcome.

Ø  ACTION -  Take action that you believe will produce the results you desire – else your desire will always only be your dreams

Ø  DETERMINE RESPONSE - Develop sensory acuity to recognise the responses and results you are getting to determine whether they are moving towards the outcome.

Ø  ADAPT AND CHANGE UNTIL DESIRED RESULT IS ACHIEVED - Develop the flexibility to change your action until you get the result you want to achieve your outcome.

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