Friday, February 12, 2021

7 strategies to help your teams collaborate

Katz Kiely  shares 7 Gems  on how to make teams connect and collaborate effectively 

💎 If  you want something done make it fun. Everything can be gamified. Fact.

💎 The leaders role is as COLLABORANAUT: Be a HOST not a driver in workshops. 

💎 Make sure people feel safe and are empowered to think & do. 

💎 Make sure the PROBLEM you are trying to solve is clearly defined and that everyone has the same understanding of that problem

💎  Make sure everyone has a VOICE and make sure people FEEL heard

💎 Check in with whats going on in peoples lives before you dive into the meat of the work

On Thursday 25 February - we will be hosting our BBG Super breakfast Zoom forum with Judith Rose Max - where she will  share 3 key strategies on how you can surround yourself with the team that will take your business into the future.
The knowledge share will be followed by our "BBG Think Tank" session via a series of interactive break-out zoom group discussions giving you the opportunity to network, learn and collaborate with other guests and members in a way that will help you overcome common business obstacles whilst getting to know the members of our dynamic BBG Community.

I'm sure you will find this forum useful, informative and stimulating and we look forward to sharing this amazing event with you.
You will be provided with a Zoom link prior to the meeting.
Press link to find out more
link to find out more 

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