
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Some gems to help you in your sales journey

Getting clients is a simple 5-step process:


1. Identify who your ideal client is - do the research 

2. Invite them to a BBG forum as your guest 

3. Understand their “drivers”

4. Invite them to have a coffee meeting with you

5. Sign them up to work with you (remember it takes 7 interactions before someone will say yes!!! 


And here are 3 gems to help change your mindset when selling

Overcome your fear of rejection

It’s a numbers game. So know your numbers ...

How many rejections do you expect to get to have a yes?

Celebrate every rejection - as a step closer for someone to say yes. 

If you believe what you have is amazing - there are people out there saying “yes I want that”!!!!

Change your perspective 

Think of the sale to your client not as a sale that you are making - but as a gift that you are giving your prospect - that will help them change their life in some way! 

Think of it as “sharing your passion” or “sharing your information”


Make a list of people that you have added value to and how you have helped them towards achieving their legacy. 

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