
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

BBG June Super Forum with Tony Surtees

JR introducing the BBG Super Forum with Tony Surtees

Introducing Tony Surtees and Framing the Knowledge Share

This presentation is about the unique opportunities that have resulted from the current crisis.
Specifically Digital Transformation - realigning and reassessing
This is about being Optimistic about the future

Be optimistic - find the opportunity and ride the wave

Change was going to happen - Covid has just accelerated this change 10X

This is just a part of a cycle - and this is an opportunity for you to be at the forefront of what the changes are going to be.

For Companies, Enterprise and Governments to survive they will need to pivot - entrepreneurs are used to this.

SMEs are going to be key to the economic recovery - and limitation of resources will act as a stimulus to inovation.

Be part of the tailwind - ride the wave

 "don't waste a good crisis"

Timing and being ready for Change is key 

Timing is key and change is everywhere and ability to be in right time at right place with right value proposition is significant

Changes have been occuring - exponentially  - Moores Law - Thngs are happenning faster and cheaper (storage, processing, bandwidth, 5G - Ubiquitous Connectivity

IOT - 3D Priniting, VR, Blockchain, Machine Learning

Change post COVID 

People resistance to change - Covid had to find the substitute

  • Change in the Covid World
  • People had to change - fast
  • Substitutes being found - eg zoom - complementary technologies worked
  • Substitutes - better than going to work
  • Better cheaper faster -
  • Remote working - increased productivity

This challenge has been creating opportunities

CANVA story

The Investment Framework - Post COvid-19

Pause - Problems - on pause - retail, restaurants, planes, elective surgery - some will go back to level before - some greater - Local travel - will explode

Accelerated Future - Online shopping; VR tools (properties entertainment, banks ), Decentralised organisations ; Food Security - supply chain and agtech

The New Normal - consulting opportunities - businesses needd to transform - need to have fundamentals right - need to meet needs of customers and stakeholders - what are the market opportunities  -redefine market opportunities

Consultants to engage strategically and operationally - help organisations with a transformational opportunity


Tony Surtees - Close

Tony Surtees Think Tank and Q&A

The think tank process

Natalie - The importance of using technology at hand to make your business more efficient so you can focus on nuts and bolts -
"just because you have a telephone in your business - are you in the telecommunication business?"
Business success of Afterpay and Zip - are they in the technology business or banking business?
Bridge gap with a commercial model - applying the imagination to a commercial model - and then use the technology to solve the problem"

The capacity to ask questions and listen to advice - solve the problem and then use the technology is the key to success

Milind - VR and AI - not much intake why? 
 - barrier to entry that you cant leverage the technology in your hand - hardware cliff to be dealt with
Telemedicine and Education - big implications - there will be massive change using these technologies

"Phoria" - make it easy to code VR content

Les - Impact on Covid-19 working from home and Productivity - whats your view?
- Productivity and government decisionmaking dramatically improved -
- we have had a taste of another type of life - and its been good - remote working - control over working lives - array of technology available at little or no cost - ZOOM -
- Change of productivity - employees happier
- Productivity impact to be examined pre and post

Eric Tjoeng of BGES - Unpacking the Think Tank with Tony Surtees 

Eric , Hendrik, Brendan, Damien and Eddie

  • Now is the time to realign and reimagine in a digitised world 
  • SME Challenge to come up with the strategy and the action to move forward - how - this is an opportunity for consultants to help
  • Hendrik -  barrier of a cultural change - 
  • Benny - blended office environment - going to be the new normal - will probably be an improved efficiency 
  • Eddie - AI and Robotics - whats going to happen with the people? Future of work? Universal wages? 
  • Change was going to happen... just faster 
  • Damien - Being Agile - is certainly the new normal - MVP - fail fast - scale up or down - come up with quick solution and then change 

Craig Saphin - Scaling New Heights - Unpacking the Think Tank with Tony Surtees 

Craig, David Hodes,  Martin Collins and Alex Tees

  • Matrix - interesting - different industries or business in each quadrant - whats actions for each - consultants - needed in each quadrant - nailing the  purpose is key 
  • Process - What is the Questions to ask to get momentum going  -  Tony responded  - " What problem are you trying to solve?" - thats what business is about - solving problems
  • Working remotely - Get the process and systems right - mental and psychological support and safety for both staff and clients is important  - How important is face to face - managing people using EQ is key - how to get best productivity out of them. 
  • Innovation in legal field  - Martin Collins - land and environment court - digitised and Alex Tees - Docs lodged electronically - no more piles of documents 
  • Meeting face to face is still key 

Larry Dorfan - Unpacking the Think Tank with Tony Surtees 

Yen, Guy, Adam, Goerge and Laurence

  • Quadrant model - where we are and where we need to be 
  • Blockchain is key going forward - will be as important as internet itself - example of validation of product; use of blockchain and IoT - to track products as its moved internationally - laava
  • How do you know who you dealing with - more remote - harder it is - still nothing better than face to face 
  • Investments - if you can afford to lose money - then you cannot afford not to invest
  • Great insite from VC - if you can take a punt - take the infoormed decision - upside massive - VC is a powerful asset class 
  • Worthless constraints can be done away with if needed - institutional resistance to change - if you need to change can happen quickly 
  • Challenges of working remotely - security of information - use of multiple latform - each has hook for hackers - oy!! what solutions
  • Need for helping SMEs - any change - unless we are innovators we have to wait in line for price to decrease - SMEs dont have capacity to become early adoptors of new technology unless you are an innovator 

Natalie Sassoon - The emotional connection to change - use mindset and  technologies to propel us forward - both personally and in business.

  • The use of  mindset and technology as a combination to propel 
  • "If you are feeling under control, you are not going fast enough."
  • "Don't waste a good crisis and taking advantage"
  • Use this time to look at our environment and find ways to make it more efficient 
  • Speed at the way change has happenned from governments to individuals - out of necessity - using substitutes such as zoom and BBG - One tends to adapt to survive 
  • A great example of innovation is the way we use  BBG and Zoom - how technology is working together creating productivity and creativity - allowing us to connect and collaborate.

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