
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Why Stay Active on LinkedIn - and the importance of inviting them to events, referring and being a centre of influence

Great Insite from Andrew Mcwhirter


Your goal is to become an industry influencer. 

The person who has the authority, the information and the expertise to lead people to a solution that they want.


You want people to see you as someone who can lead them to the answer they are seeking.



Here’s the secret – activity is attractive.


You become a source of truth when you’re constantly engaging with the community you’ve built around yourself. When you’re always bringing value, you’re establishing yourself as an active authority.


It’s your authority that allows you to influence people.


It all comes down to perception


How others see you dictates how they approach you.


You could have all of the knowledge in the world. But if people see an inactive LinkedIn profile, you’re creating the perception you have nothing to offer.


When you approach them, that perception will stop them from interacting with you. Why waste the time when they could talk to someone who has something to say?


You have to give these people a reason to follow you. If you don’t, they’ll follow somebody else.


That means you’re not the person they’re going to come to when they need help.


Be as active as you possibly can on LinkedIn and continue to give value - through white papers, articles or inviting them to forums - and sgaring your insights 


Continually build your community of perfect future customers, Post content consistently, respond to comments, and engage with your connections.


Show them they can believe in you and you’ll create new opportunities.


Happy Influencing!

Venture Capital in Australia: Miriam Freedman speaking at the Launch of our Dive...

Venture Capital in Australia: Miriam Freedman speaking at the Launch of our Dive...:  Miriam Kurtzig Freedman, JD, MA – Medium - Diversity, Inclusion, and Competence — for the day after graduation! What’s the best thing that ...

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Learning Gratitude , Safety and Respect at Redfern Police Gym

Proud to be learning Gratitude, Safety and Respect from a group of motivated humans on the Clean Slate Programme with Shane Phillip and Tribal Warriors 

Whose keen to join me 6am - 7am Monday and a Friday ?

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Power of referrals and warm introductions

“Talk is not cheap.” when it comes to marketing. Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool and referral marketing can take your business to the next level way faster than any other marketing campaign!

If you don’t have a referral program in place, maybe the stats below will make you consider creating one.

  • 92% of consumers trust referrals from people they know.
  • Friends’ social media posts influence the purchase decisions of 83% of US online shoppers.
  • Consumers referred by a friend are four times more likely to buy.
  • When referred by other customers, people have a 37% higher retention rate.
  • B2B companies with referrals experience a 70% higher conversion rate.
  • Referred customers’ lifetime value (LTV) is 16% higher than that of non-referred customers.
  • Referral leads have a 30% higher conversion rate than leads from any other channel.
  • Referrals account for 65% of companies’ new deals.

Below are 13 statements supported by statistics on why a referral marketing programme will be great for your business. 

  1. Word-of-mouth general statistics - there are 3.3 billion brand mentions in 2.4 billion brand-related conversations every day in the US. –(adweek)

  • Word of mouth affects the purchase decision of 54% of consumers. It’s the most influential psychological driver for purchases.
  • Excellent customer service will incite 55% of consumers to recommend a company.
  • Friends and family are the top sources of brand awareness for 49% of US shoppers.

2. Klt (know like and trust is key 92% of consumers trust referrals from people they know, like and trust  (Source: Annex Cloud)

  • Consumers trust their friends’ recommendations seven times more than conventional advertising.
  • When considering the purchase of a product, 84% of shoppers trust recommendations from family members, friends, and colleagues.

Klt is the foundation  of every business. If you can prove you are reliable and trustworthy, your customers will appreciate it and tell other people about you. They, in turn, will tell someone else and so on.

Imagine your customers’ trust as a small snowball - it can turn into an avalanche, given the right conditions.

3.The value of customer referrals -84% of B2B decision-makers start the buying process with a referral. – (Source: Saasquatch) 

4. The power of referral campaigns and programs– 65% of new business comes from referrals. (Source: Entrepreneur)

  • According to 78% of marketers, referral marketing produces “good” or “excellent” leads.
  • Referral-based marketing can obtain about 20,000 new email addresses a month.
  • Referral programs in ecommerce can achieve wonders for your sales – you can increase your revenue by 10%-20%for traditional products and up to 100% for emerging ones.
  • Referred customers are five times more likely to take advantage of your referral program than non-referred customers.
  • According to referral marketing stats, 86% of B2B companies with a referral program experience growth.

A referral program – will boost your leads, sales, and the overall growth of your business. 

5. Social media posts published by friends influence 81% of US shoppers’ purchase decisions. (Source: Forbes) 

Social media plays a vital role in word-of-mouth marketing and is an excellent source of referrals.

6. Referral campaigns and marketing – referred customers have an 18% lower churn than customers acquired by other marketing means. (Source: Wharton University)

In a nutshell – the word-of-mouth recommendation is the foundation for your business to grow.

Referrals  – they spread the word about your brand and create a spiderweb of potential clients.

7. How referrals impact customers’ purchase decisions – 74% of consumers consider word-of-mouth the primary factor behind their purchase decisions. (Source: Think with Google)

  • Customers referred by a friend are four times more likely to buy.
  • 77% of consumers are more likely to buy a new product if their friends or family recommend it.
  • According to referral marketing statistics, referred customers have a 37% higher customer retention rate.
  • An offline word-of-mouth impression can increase your sales by at least 500% compared to a paid advertising impression.

People deal with people - specially close ones. As you can see from the stats above – a referred customer is more valuable than a customer obtained through any other marketing means.

8. Referral revenue, rates, and their impact on sales – referred customers can increase your profits by at least 16%. (Source: Harvard Business Review)

  • The average referral rate across all industries is about 2.3%. The highest referral rates are for gadgets and electronic devices – 3.4%.
  • According to referral marketing stats, referred customers can increase your profit margin by 25%.
  • Customers who found your business through word-of-mouth spend about 200% more than other customers.
  • A 10% rise in word-of-mouth recommendations (on and offline) increases sales by between 0.2%-1.5%.
  • When the marketing department manages a referral program, companies have a three times bigger chance to achieving their revenue goals.Still, only 10% of them assigned referral campaign management to that department.

So, what is a good referral rate? – If you manage to achieve more than 2.3%, you can consider it a success. For that to happen, entrust your referral program to your marketing staff.

9. Conversion rates in a referral-based business – B2B companies with referrals achieve 70% higher conversion rates. (Source: Extole)

The rubber hits the road when a prospect turns into a sale .

The sales cycle - in my view - can be segmented into 3 buckets




The rubber hits the road - when you convert those proposals into a sale - 

And of course once the sale happens - create a superb customer experience and service - so they can refer you on . (Referron) .

According to the above referral marketing statistics, referral marketing can skyrocket your conversion rates.

10. Do companies with referral marketing need to offer incentives for referring? – 70% of people open emails from a company in search of a deal or a coupon. (Source: Campaign Monitor)

  • A referral incentive program could incite more than 50% of people to refer new customers to your business.
  • 69% of customers are more likely to try a brand if the company gives rewards.
  • 39% of consumers believe direct incentives – such as money, discounts, or free swag can significantly increase the chances of referring a business.
  • 88% of US shoppers would like a reward for sharing a product on social media or via email. The same goes for 95% of 18-34-year-olds. 77% of them want money, while 18% want free swag for referring.
  • According to referral marketing statistics, 64% of customers believe rewards have an impact on how much they spend.
  • The most effective incentives for the best referral rate on social media are:
    1. A discount code or coupon for liking or following the brand’s page – 35%.
    2. Access to limited-time offers and exclusive deals for sharing products on social media – 35%.
    3. Discounts on products for referring other customers – 20%.

 suitable referral incentive program can do wonders for your business. The stats mentioned above prove it.

11. How do I get referrals from existing clients? – people are 16 times more likely to share if you have a CTA button on your post-purchase page (Source: Extole)

  • The chances of customers sharing your company/products are four times bigger if the sharing experience is on the same page instead of a dedicated landing page.
  • A picture of the referring consumer’s face increases the rate of conversion of their referrals by more than 3%.
  • Social media drives about 31% of the websites traffic.

Make it super easy for a customer to refer you . 

12. What results and feedback can a referral business expect? – more than 50% of companies with a referral program rate their sales as “highly effective.” (Source: Influitive and Heinz Marketing)

  • According to referral marketing stats, referred customers are 18% more loyal than non-referred ones.
  • Businesses with referral programs in place experience an average of 69% faster time to close. Furthermore, they also get a 59% higher lifetime value and 71% higher conversion rates of their clients.
  • 82% of SMB owners cite referrals as the primary source of new business.
  • 83% of customers are more likely to refer new customers after positive user experience.

Referred customers are gold. 

They are already at your front door, knowing they’ll buy your products/services. All you have to do is invite them in. Furthermore, they are more likely to stay.

13 Do referral programs work? Success stories that prove the value of referrals – Thanks to Airbnb’s referral program, the company has almost doubled its total number of consumers each year since 2012. (Source: Entrepreneur)

  • The Dropbox referral program increased signups by a mind-blowing 60%. In the first 18 months alone, there were more than 2.8 million referral invites. Today, 35% of the company’s signups come from the referral program.
  • Paypal’s referrals accounted for the company’s 7%-10% daily growth. Yes, you read it right – daily!
  • Thanks to its referral program, Koodo managed to reduce their CPA by 167% and got almost 75,000 new customers in two years.
  • For every dollar it spent on their referral program, Tesla got $42 back. Moreover, a quarter of their sales in Q4 2015 came from referrals.
  • T-Mobile also has a successful referral program, although it doesn’t announce the results. Still, its share price jumped from $40 to $60, which is a sufficient indicator of the program’s enormous success.


A referral is the highest honor a business can receive from a customer.

We at BBG have built our business around the concept of 

Word of Mouth Marketing, 

  • Building KLT (know like and trust ) between members and their guests 
  • Making you  a Centre of Influence - and a “college of knowledge” - with you target market , customers and alliance partners
  • Using a simple app - Referron - that enables you to easily share your business card - and be able to easily refer within 3 taps of your phone - and track , measure and reward that referral! 

Why not join one of our forums as a guest and see how we roll

Ps feel free to connect with me on referron, download the app, upload your profile - and make a referral to someone that you know like and trust -

This is a great step towards the creation of your referral marketing programme - and it’s free 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

BBG's Diversity and Inclusion Forum Launch

We are proud to have launched our YarnINg Circle - our BBG Diversity , Equity and Inclusion Forum powered by points for purpose.

At these forums we explore the issues. Problems and opportunities of Diversity , Equity and Inclusion with a view to Learn, Collaborate and Grow Together and build KLT (Know Like and Trust between Communities.)

Wr will explore the power of Intersectionaluty - and work on specific projects to create measurable outcomes for our members and their Communities.

We welcome you to share your insights, questions and challenges with us at one or more of our monthly forums. 


 Miriam Kurtzig Freedman, JD, MA

What’s the best thing that happened to you today? Victor Perton, the “Optimism Guy” asks us.

For me, it’s that I’m here in Australia (by ZOOM) at the Diversity and Inclusion Forum on February 3, 2021 (actually it’s February 4 already, in Australia) with Victor and another presenter. I was invited by my friend, Ivan Kaye, and am very grateful for that.

What an incredible world we’re in these days. Business and education leaders can “meet” half way across the world and discuss important issues from their diverse perspectives. Victor’s positive message is infectious. Check him out at the “centre for optimism” in Australia. The Centre for Optimism — Home.

Looking back now, a few weeks later, it was indeed a fun and rich Forum!

So, here’s what I said…..

Friday, February 12, 2021

7 strategies to help your teams collaborate

Katz Kiely  shares 7 Gems  on how to make teams connect and collaborate effectively 

💎 If  you want something done make it fun. Everything can be gamified. Fact.

💎 The leaders role is as COLLABORANAUT: Be a HOST not a driver in workshops. 

💎 Make sure people feel safe and are empowered to think & do. 

💎 Make sure the PROBLEM you are trying to solve is clearly defined and that everyone has the same understanding of that problem

💎  Make sure everyone has a VOICE and make sure people FEEL heard

💎 Check in with whats going on in peoples lives before you dive into the meat of the work

On Thursday 25 February - we will be hosting our BBG Super breakfast Zoom forum with Judith Rose Max - where she will  share 3 key strategies on how you can surround yourself with the team that will take your business into the future.
The knowledge share will be followed by our "BBG Think Tank" session via a series of interactive break-out zoom group discussions giving you the opportunity to network, learn and collaborate with other guests and members in a way that will help you overcome common business obstacles whilst getting to know the members of our dynamic BBG Community.

I'm sure you will find this forum useful, informative and stimulating and we look forward to sharing this amazing event with you.
You will be provided with a Zoom link prior to the meeting.
Press link to find out more
link to find out more 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Do you want warm introductions and referrals ?

Below are 6 things you can do to get them....

After every interaction with someone - look to give a referral  - invariable that person will reciprocate and  offer you a warm introduction back. 

Below are a few gems of what you need to do before feeling comfortable to ask for a referral 

  1. Believe in what you do or the product or service  that you are selling 
  2. Build up your confidence - by following the process and learning the scripts - to be really good at the process - you need to practice it until you become perfect! 
  3. Put Value Discussion on the Agenda – This is the beginning of asking for a referral and giving referrals 
  4. Be Prepared   Who do you know who they know? Who can you refer them to ? As you enter into this conversation, let your client know that you’ve given this some thought and that you have a few ideas to explore
  5. Be part of a BBG forum  – to hold you  accountable with an emphasis on success. Whenever you are trying to establish a new habit, it often helps to have one or two other people going through the same process. You discuss challenges and barriers, you brainstorm solutions, you set goals, and you celebrate successes. And yes, you can hold each other accountable in whatever form works best for you.
  6. Download Referron - upload your profile - and spend 5 minutes learning how it works - Referron enables you to send business cards and make referrals within 3 taps - and it tracks and measures activity enabling you and your tram to follow up on opportunities -  ..Click here to view my profile and connect with me