
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Feeling Grateful and Optimistic

There is no doubt - that for many - 2020 has been challenging - filled with stress, uncertainty, disease, fires and storms - some of us have lost loved ones , jobs, businesses, livelihoods and had to cope with “ISO” during lockdowns.

Business models have changed .... and most of us have had to change the way we work (many of us from home....)

We know that these challenges will be with us throughout our lives - and yet despite these challenges - we have remained resilient  - with the spirits of generosity and optimism continuing to shine bright 

So on this day - may your heart be filled with gratitude with what you have.... and may you continue to connect, collaborate and contribute to build on this amazing community that you have ! 

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and  may your new year be filled with health, wealth, happiness and large dollops of optimism! 

(Inspired by the message from our Prime Minister of Autralua  - Scott Morrison )