
Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Yarning Circle Foundation Members - Inspiring and contributing to the development of the framework and charter

 Ivan Schwartz and Ivan Kaye - so what is the yarning circle

Ivan anad Shane Yarning about the Lady Northcott Opportunity 

Mark Champley - Yarning about the potential impact of the Yarning Circle and its contribution to Tribal Warrior 

Developing the Foundations and Charter of our BBG DIversity and Inclusion Forum

Priviliged to be part of a forum focussed on "making a difference" - riffing around 2 powerful words DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Simon Sinek shares with Richard Branson what makes him optimistic

Simon Sinek shares with Richard Branson why optimism is a critical ingredient in the success of a business. It is one of the most important traits to have in business - especially right now. 

So what is optimism 

Optimism is the undying belief that the future is bright, but it’s not a denial of the current state.”

Its about having a  vision in a time of crisis, when it’s ok to feel your way in the dark because you have a direction and you’re moving forward. 

It’s about identifying a problem that people have - a pain  - and providing a pill ðŸ’Š to solve that pain - but that pill needs to be a painkiller - not a vitamin .... 

Never waste a good crisis

This pandemic has identified many painpoints that have emanated from this crisis - and it’s about recognising the opportunities that come from this pandemic.

Richard asks Simon - “If you were starting a business today, what problem would you be trying to solve?”

Sinek identifies a major problem ( pain point ) In business right now, is the lack of empathy, collaboration and fractorial relationships in business.... silos not talking to each other ...... 

How can this be solved? 

Sinek says that  it comes down to honing the skill of empathy....

 “We’re living in a time when we’re more judgemental, we’re bad at listening, things are black and white, when in reality they’re mostly grey, and if I’m right you must be wrong.” 

“We’re missing a lot of human skills such as empathy and the ability to have difficult conversations. It’s time for us to all be little more human and understanding.”

A Solution? 

We make it through crises and out the other side through “ Werksaam” - working Together..... and this is what we are trying to achieve at BBG ...... which is a process of honing our skills of 

Collaborating , Contributing  and Connecting  People - by talking to each other Continuously (regularly) to build a Connected , Collaborative, Community - focussed on a common Purpose and Vision .