
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Don’t sweat the small stuff

We all have 1 life to live - and we can accomplish anything if we choose our time wisely 

This jar represents your life 
  • Golf balls - family , values , health , passions 
  • Pebbles - job, car , home 
  • Sand - small stuff
  • Bottle of Beer - 
If you put sand first - no time for important stuff. Take care of golf balls first.

“What does the beer represent” 

 no matter how full your life is - there’s always room for a couple of beers with a friend!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The shared struggle of loneliness

 Are we heading into a "social recession," with people feeling more and more loneliness as the pandemic continues ?

Loneliness the feeling erodes self-esteem, leaving many feeling that they have little to offer those around them.

Jen Rose Smith at CNN (here’s the link) talks about how This pandemic  could potentially could potentially cure the disease of loneliness . (Thanks Raul Sin for pointing this article out )

She says that it could present an opportunity to reflect and reorient. "It could trigger quite the opposite — a resurgence and a revival of social connections." 

How could this be solved?

Collective efforts consistently

Collective efforts - virtual connections, inventing new ways to congregate with their creative, social and spiritual communities. All the Zoom meetings, virtual cocktail hours and live-streamed yoga classes are, in a way, a statement of how deeply we care about spending time with others.

Building a sense of community, by making sure we're spending some time each day reaching out to people in our lives - "That could just be 15 minutes."

The 15-minute investment pays valuable dividends for people on both ends of the line.

"When done consistently over time, it can be a lifeline that connects you to the outside world."

The quality of the interaction 

Next, focus on raising the quality of each interaction by ditching distractions. 

Be present - give full attention - listening has a powerful impact on our connection

Being able to add value and be of service - shifts the focus from us to other people, while reaffirming that we have value to bring to others.

By having quality conversations consistently with each other, can we come out of this with a more connected, collaborative community that focussed on contribution.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Google Trends reveal 9 ways our lives are changing by how we’re searching differently

At yesterday’s Zoom session with Michael Haynes on innovation and ways we can break through the crisis, we talked about understanding macro trends to be able to pivot into being able to add value to your customers.

Today, my friend Raul Sin, who is Director of NBA Asia and was Marketing Director of Netflix, shared with me some interesting google search trends. 

Not pictured here, but another search term that has spiked in recent weeks, is ‘how to make coffee’

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Mind over Matter

Mind over matter - Positive energy - and words of kindness and nurturing makes a difference 

Experiments have shown that the Mind can have a physical impact on Physical matter. 

These experiments have been done with Water , 

Rice And Plants.

Could we create a frequency using intention and thoughts to neutralise the effect of a virus?

Our thoughts, emotions and feelings, not only affect our wellbeing but that of the Earth.

The environment responds to positive and negative thoughts in different ways .

Attached is a link to an a  video .... where pictures were created

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Why wear masks

Thank you David Bray from the I4J forum

The challenge is those who rush to masks as "a solution" miss the latent real variable that matters, which is you don't need a mask if you don't touch your face without washing your hands first + don't touch other people + regularly wash your hands. 

The reason why this is important is because you might think you're okay with a mask, except you fidget with it = in which case it was all for naught. 

Or you take you mask off at home, forget to wash your hands and again = all for naught. 

Science and health is about getting to the root causes. So if you let people know the real goal is: 

*** don't touch your face or other orifices without washing your hands first + don't touch other people + regularly wash your hands ***

And that for some, a mask might help w/ not touching you face - whereas for others it might cause them to fidget or introduce stress-related anxiety at seeing everyone in masks - that's better scientific advice based on the data today.