
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Is your LinkedIn profile boring, cold & distant?

Great insights from Karen Tisdell. 

Have you spent time focussing on your profile? Is it personal? Does it say to the reader.... I want to get to know this human better? 

Is your LinkedIn profile boring, cold & distant?

If it’s written in the 3rd person, the answer is yes.

I always advise that LinkedIn profiles should be written in the 1st person. Here’s why:

Your profile is an opportunity for your clients to feel like they are communicating with you every time they see you online. You want your stakeholders to experience what feels like direct access.

You do this by being authentic & direct.

So, do you sound like yourself? Or does your profile read like your secretary is managing your social media presence?

You should be writing in the 1st person, speaking directly, so people can get a sense of who you are & feel connected to you. 

People want to feel special. Noticed. Not ignored. Not sidelined to talking to your secretary.

Trust is the new currency

Be yourself. Let people hear your true voice & you will forge deeper, trusted relationships.

If you’re writing in the 3rd person, you are giving the impression that you think you’re too important to speak to people directly. 

So remember why you’re on LinkedIn. Think of the people you want to engage. Talk to them in your authentic, 1st person voice. 

Don’t appear aloof. Distancing yourself doesn't impress anyone.

📩 #karentisdell #linkedinprofilewriter

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Why Psychological Safety is so key to success

Some  insites from  Laura Delizonna’s article in Harvard Business Review.

A two-year study on team performance at Google revealed that the highest-performing teams have one thing in common 


Psychological safety creates an environment of trust, and as Paul Santagata, Head of Industry at Google said “There’s no team without trust,” 

Psychological safety, the belief that you won’t be punished when you make a mistake. 

Psychological safety allows for the types of behavior that lead to market breakthroughs such as

  • moderate risk-taking, 
  • speaking your mind, 
  • creativity, and 
  • sticking your neck out without fear of having it cut off 

Psychological Safety is both fragile and vital to success in uncertain, interdependent environments. 

Here’s why - 

The amygdala, that little kernel like thing in your brain - is our “emotional centre” - and the alarm bell in the brain. 

When there is a fear of danger - it ignites a fight-or-flight response, hijacking higher brain centers. It is a survival instinct that has made our species survive through the Millenia.

This “act first, think later” brain structure shuts down perspective and analytical reasoning... and just focussed on your survival. 

Quite literally, just when we need it most, we lose our minds.

An example of the Amygdala acting in the workplace 

The brain processes a provocation by a boss, competitive coworker, or dismissive subordinate as a life-or-death threat. (Its not - but the kernel has been triggered. ) While that fight-or-flight reaction may save us in life-or-death situations, it handicaps the strategic thinking needed in today’s workplace.

Psychological safety allows the amygdala to allow us to take those risks and still be comfortable that we will survive and thrive!

About the thought provoker

Laura Delizonna, PhD, is an executive coach, instructor at Stanford University, international speaker, and founder of

Friday, May 24, 2019

Learn from the experts on how to use LinkedIn to get more qualified leads

As an experienced coach or consultant it’s easy to feel left behind as social media and technology keeps moving so fast - right?

How do you keep up with technology, and winning new clients with the noise these ‘young marketers’ generate.

You know you have the knowledge experience and skill to add value to your prospects and clients and help them grow their business and help increase their sales and profits. 

How do you get your message across to the 30,000 business owners and leaders in your sphere of influence?

Join me in Melbourne on  the evening of 13 June at NAB Docklands where  5 of Australia’s top LinkedIn influencers will share their strategies of have they have been able to cut through the noise by tapping into the power of LinkedIn.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Referron Sign Up

Referron is an app we use to connect and refer - when you sign up, it creates your business card and enables you to send your business card and make  referrals and track them. ) 

It’s still a bit buggy but works well. It's free - if you choose to sign up - please use the orange button and not the mobile signup - see below -

And what it does 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Daniel Murray Enthusing Engaging and Inspiring our forum

Daniel Murray, a member of our HYD Forum is using BBG to build Empath Consulting - he consults in helping leaders change from busy leaders to empathic leaders and uses BBG as a methodology to get them to connect and collaborate consistently - enabling their idea turn from a goat track into a 4 lane highway