
Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Queen Gems

The Queen said: 

“As we look for new answers in the modern age, I for one prefer the tried and tested recipes, like 
  • speaking well of each other and 
  • respecting different points of view; 
  • coming together to seek out the common ground; and 
  • never losing sight of the bigger picture.
 To me, these approaches are timeless and I commend them to everyone.”

Networking in the digital age

Kelly Hoey - who has amassed over 560,000 followers on linked-in has written a brilliant article on the importance of networking and how to network effectively. 

As you know - networking for me is one of the four pillars to success.

Yet a lot of people feel anxious or lost when it comes to networking, especially when engaging in conversations online. If you’re one of those people, take comfort in knowing you’re not alone, say Kelly.

Kelly share with us effective strategies that are needed to overcome those anxieties so you can connect powerfully with your network - and build know like and trust!

Her golden rule when it comes to networking in the digital age is simple: 

Be yourself 

be yourself (that is, be human) regardless of where you meet someone, because networking online is no different than networking offline. Now more than ever we’re craving stronger human connections. 

The good news is that today, we have more tools to connect meaningfully with others than at any time in history. Social networks, messaging apps, co-working spaces,  meetups and BBG forums and BNI chapters  are just a few examples.

When it comes to allowing the real you to shine online, here are her three suggestions:

1. Communicate appropriately depending on the function 

Think of online platforms as you would physical ‘offline’ spaces - For Kelly , online networking platforms are simply an extension of physical spaces. 

LinkedIn is the office or industry conference. Facebook is the high school reunion or family gathering. 

Twitter is the cocktail party. 

While you may share the same information in all of these networking spaces, you wouldn’t necessarily share it in the same way (i.e. how you share a big promotion at work with your family is unlikely to be the way you tell your closest friends or colleagues).

2. Focus on building deep relationships 

Build your online network by focusing on people you already know, like and trust  - 

Networking is a time-wasting anxiety when you only seek to meet strangers. 

Spend more time connecting with your tribe, the people who already know you and know what you are capable of delivering – friends, customers and colleagues.

BBG is a brilliant forum to help you build those deep relationships with like minded people who will focus on helping you through collaboration , learning and growth 

3. Digital technology is just a tool 

Networking and building know like and trust takes time, energy and care.

Focus on who you want to meet and identify ways in which you can add value to them.

“Give people what they want and you will get what you want”

It took Kerry seven years of online conversations for her to meet best-selling author Tom Peters (using her  ‘be the good guest at the cocktail party’ approach on Twitter *). Today, Tom is a mentor and friend and f hers 

Marketing in the digital age

Another huge obstacle that may be holding you and your business back is the anxiety when it comes to promoting or marketing yourself online.

If you think an online marketing strategy is about pushing a product or only talking about yourself – then you should be uncomfortable. 

When you are networking or promoting your product remind myself to be the person other people want to talk to.

Because here’s the thing: effectively connecting with others on social platforms is not about one-way marketing; it’s all about two-way interaction. 

It’s a conversation, a dialogue. It’s sharing information and ideas. It’s being of service. 

It is not the digital equivalent of walking into a crowded room of people shouting “FRIENDS, I HAVE A 50 PERCENT OFF SALE YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS!” without saying hello.

Effective online marketing is about creating multiple touchpoints to stay top-of-mind. 

Here’s are 3 strategies that Kerry suggests we action  to stay top of mind 

1. Start posting updates to your personal account on LinkedIn 

A good rule to follow before posting: ask yourself if the information you’re sharing will help someone else with their career or business. She has  been doing this consistently once a day, first thing in the morning. Her network tells her that  she is the first update they see every day - and She has amassed over 560,000 followers on LinkedIn.

2. Market yourself by marketing others 

One way to do this is by enlisting a group of close friends to promote each other regularly by sharing content online (whether by forwarding the insights to your friends via e-mail or Facebook updates or posting a tweet or RT). Send a weekly email to the group asking them “what do you need promoted online this week?”.

3. Participate in Twitter chats and other online events 

A great example of this is the Cartier Awards Twitter chat on closing the gender gap in STEMThese types of online conversations will connect you to others who share your passion in a format that is based on contributing good ideas and solutions. Isn’t that what great marketing is really all about? 

* The good guest is the person who wants to be invited back, is helpful to the host and takes interest in the others invited to the party. Online, this translates to retweeting and liking (the digital nod or acknowledgment of another's contribution).

This article was inspired by an article  on the blog of the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards. @Cartier Women's Initiative Awards are an international business competition created in 2006 to identify, support and encourage projects by women entrepreneurs.



by Anna McAfee | Featured Contributor

“What tribes are, is a very simple concept that goes back 50 million years. It’s about leading and connecting people and ideas. And it’s something that people have wanted forever” says Seth Godin. 

You’d have to be living under a rock to not have recently heard the words ‘community’ and ‘tribe’. But why does it matter so much, and why does it matters now?  We need to take a look at the world, where we are as individuals, and where we are as a collective.

But what is a community?  As individuals we are members of multiple groups of people, which are defined by geography, work, study, interests, online social networks, and online group participation.


As humans we have a basic need for community but modern lifestyles are squeezing this out.  Community is more and more absent from the way we live our lives.  We have evolved in tribes, always lived and hunted as groups, but we are living more isolated lives online and not interacting with individuals and groups around us.  Social change has meant that many of us have moved away from where we grew up, and we don’t have a support network around us. Its alarming that for many its becoming the norm to go for days without seeing another human face to face.   

The internet and social media have created unprecedented opportunities for connection across the globe.  A hyper-connected world, always online, has provided considerable advantages, with greater opportunities for remote work and flexibility, in particular for women.  We have information at our fingertips and the ability to find customers and build business relationships remotely. 


Where there is an upside, there is also a downside.  Social media is eating humans. Estimates show that 2.95B people on earth (one third of humanity) will use social media by 2020. It connects us in ways we’ve never before seen or imagined. It disconnects us in ways we take for granted. In a time when social media shapes our world view and drives our daily interactions, we need to define a new balance between online and offline, between global and local, between virtual and reality.  Modern life is creating a human connection gap, there is lack of social cohesion around us, and less of a sense of belonging.


Photo by Slava Bowman on Unsplash

In recent years there has been a shift towards authentic connection in what has become a fast, technologically advanced world. Social media has added so much to our world and our businesses but we have lost something in the process. We have become accustomed to define ourselves by the job we do, who we know, how many likes we get.  Yet we are so much more than the superficiality of all those things.

As a result of change we are seeing a shift in consumer demands, a craving for a more human experience.  In our DNA there is a desire to be a part of a community, or multiple communities, that support us and help us grow.

Brands and companies are being expected to deliver a more human experience to its customers and followers.  We now have #O2O movements (online to offline) and #H2H (human to human) delivery of content, products and services. 

Another example of this change is the #letsgethonest campaign in late 2017 and re-run again in 2018.  26 million people shared their failures and weaknesses via content, on the basis that what we share as humans aren’t perfections and successes, but universal flaws and failures.

Online brands such as Fiverr and Asana are now delivering a community experience to customers and contributors.  #LinkedInLocal, a campaign to take online connections offline and come together to meet in groups face-to face, has spread to over 85 countries in less than two years.  We continually see the rise and growth of Facebook communities for like-minded people, anything from mothers groups to soul-centred entrepreneurs, there is a Facebook group for literally everything.


Even in a digital world it is so important to build our own “villages” to support us. Social isolation is damaging to health, education, business and society.  As humans we need to find the balance between an increased need for privacy, and shutting ourselves off from the world.  Human interaction must be meaningful and when we recognise this we need to picture what our own ideal in-person villages look like, and use technology for good in order to seek them out.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Brilliant life lesson from Herman Munster I’m 1965

It doesn’t matter whether you are 
fat or thin,
short or tall,
ugly or handsome (like your father)
It’s the size of your heart and strength of character that’s important!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The recruiter who gets it - is gold !!

Getting the right people for the right job is key to enable any business to survive and thrive.

“My recruitment plus” is the best of breed of technology that helps you achieve this - for pennies! This Technology - enables you to have a virtual recruitment firm on your web - it will help grow your database with relevant people - it does this  by keyword-matching, mega-social media access , artificial intelligence and a whole lot more.  It will even provide your Onboarding system for your HR functions! 

The future, and the now, of recruitment, is where cutting-edge technology such as “my recruitment plus” merges with the most sophisticated human influencing skills.

There will always be a place for an outstanding recruiter - which is like gold for any organisation. 

Communication, information, persuasion, advising and credibility is needed. 

Automation has already sliced away big chunks of a recruiters job

The magic happens at the key “moments of truth” and the great recruiter is super-skilled at those key ‘moments of truth’ - where outcomes are shaped and deals are done. 

The recruiter will manage a counter-offer or qualify a job-order - something that technology can never do!! 

The recruiter is a champion of influence, control, advice, sophisticated persuasion based on knowledge and experience, and is able to manage outcomes for the greater good of all parties.

A great recruiter who loves and understands these skills - will have fun, money, self esteem.. and a long career.

If you are that person - we would love to chat with you! 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

What does working in a team based on trust mean to you?

how do you build trust in your team?

Great article by Rose Davidson from the Business Business Business Group - 05 January 2019 

Trust is essential to an effective team, because it provides a sense of safety. When your team members feel safe with each other, they feel comfortable to open up, take appropriate risks, and expose vulnerabilities. 
Without trust there’s less innovation, collaboration, creative thinking, and productivity, and people spend their time protecting themselves and their interests – this is time that should be spent helping the group attain its goals. 
  • Lead by example 
  • Communicate openly 
  • Know each other personally 
  • Don't place blame when things go wrong 
  • Discourage cliques 
  • Discuss trust issues 
Here are 6 ways that leaders at all levels can build trust by aligning actions with words: 
  • 1. Recognise that building trust takes hard work. Trust must be earned. ... 
  • 2. Be honest and supportive. ... 
  • 3. Commit to follow through. ... 
  • 4. Be consistent. ... 
  • 5. Model the behaviour you seek. ... 
  • 6. Build in accountability. 
Build Trust with Your Employees 
  • 1. Trust them and they'll trust you. 
  • 2. Treat them with respect. 
  • 3. Tell them what you're after and what to expect. 
  • 4. Learn about their jobs so you have credibility. 
  • 5. Truly listen and respond thoughtfully. 
  • 6. Remember, your relationship with your co-workers and employees is a win/win. 

Building Trust Virtually 
If you manage a virtual team , then you might be working with a group of people who have never met face to face, or who have never spoken to one another personally. So, how can you build trust between people who are hundreds – if not thousands – of miles apart? 

You can apply some of the advice above when you’re working with a virtual team. Schedule a virtual “meet and greet” if it’s a new team, to help everyone get to know one another as individuals. Or, create a web page for your team’s project, and ask everyone to write a paragraph or two about their personal history and interests. 
team charter is still important for defining the goals and expectations of the team. ... Keeping your promises is incredibly important in a virtual team, because your word is often all you can give. Positive follow-through builds trust quickly and can raise the entire group's tone and expectations.  

From Roger Dowsett 
You need to build a team before you can build any trust, I always found the easiest way to build a team (believe it or not) was I always bought a BBQ. I then would put a BBQ on for lunch, and found that standing around on the tongs was a good starting point, over the years I saw a lot of company's (and I  managed 20 of various sizes from 10 to 200 staff) spends 100 of thousands of dollars on team building bs that made short term team changes, but put a BBQ on and things start to change, when I was a manager I always loved taking over disengaged dis functional teams..

From Uwe Jacobs 
Very simple; be authentic, do what you say-say what you do

From Rhonda Jane 
 I built this childcare centre from nothing and I was a single mum desperate to succeed in a mans world at the time. 

Any way I decided to sell as i was approached by a large company which I did sell. I had the same staff for 6 years and they all contributed the success of what we all created and i did a lot of to and fro on the contracts making sure their jobs were secure. 

The issue is that as I am a nice honest person I believed companies were and sadly the wages were cut to base wage within a week of takeover and all my staff walked away from a job they loved. I guess what I am saying is I strongly believe that my willingness to learn from them just as they were learning from me created trust and belief in each other. 

This  is all team building and the trust we should have in our fellow workers. In my company now I have a saying :we need each other to grow and succeed" and 2 years in I have the same staff that love coming to work. Anyway hope this all helps to what you are talking about. 

Our team building was events such as short day courses, we took "get to know" trips on a river cruise. meet our family days, onsite education and so on. 

Meet our family was something I loved as many of them thought as an owner I was wealthy and had a life they could only dream of which was so not true and when they met my children (all 5 at the time) they realised that I was just another person with dreams like them. I had a mentally disabled son and when they met him they really understood my drive which was not just about me but others that depended on me.  

Anyway sorry for the long spill but thought this may give insight and help to you

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Steve Jobs on Success

Steve Jobs believed in the fundamental power of belief. 

You have to trust in something -- your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. 

See genius in your craziness, believe in yourself, believe in your vision, and be constantly prepared to defend those ideas.

You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

Jobs knew that plans are never perfect. Only in hindsight can they appear that way.

Here's what really happens. 

People who eventually find success start by trying things. Lots of things. They succeed at some. They fail at others. They learn from those successes and those failures.

And along the way they seize and at times even create their own opportunities to advance themselves and those around them 

Although having a plan and goals are important, with milestones and an end in mind,  the reality is - that shit happens and plans change ! 

Jobs identified 10 certain principles and values that are key to success - in whatever you are trying to achieve....

  1. Have a big vision - his classic question to John Sculley ...“Do you want to spend your life selling sugar water or do you want to change the world?" 
  2. Be very focussed - do something properly 
  3. Be Passionate in what you do 
  4. Nail your narrative - inform, educate, inspire and entertain - sell the dream not the product . 
  5. Connect with other people and share ideas 
  6. Take action
  7. Have extremely high expectations. 
  8. Create an amazing customer experience 
  9. Challenge yourself  -- and those around you
  10. Work smarter,  longer, and accomplish everything you dreamed possible.