
Monday, September 24, 2018

It's time to disrupt Networking

The safest way to become an entrepreneur is to first develop a large network of Know Like and Trust relationships, read on...

The fastest way to establish a large exponentially growing network of Know Like and Trust relationships is to learn how to build a network of networking building advocates. This is the difference between traditional one-dimensional networking and two-dimensional network building.

So many articles have been written about the importance of developing a network of Know Like and Trust relationships. 

These articles strongly advise that if you want to secure your employment, gain more business or get ahead generally, then you will need to expand your network.

This is absolutely true! We really do live in a world where it is: Network or No Work

The problem is, the hints and tips given by most of these articles about how to build your network are relatively ineffective and so uncomfortable that they do not appeal to the majority of us.

In fact, many of us cringe at the thought of traditional networking.

Fortunately, there is a much more effective enjoyable way to build your network. We call it: two-dimensional networking building.

A warning in advance: like anything in life, results only come when you take consistent action. Fortunately, the action required to build an exponentially growing two-dimensional network is small and the results are large. 

Nevertheless, the action does need to be consistent.

It is equally important to understand, that professional two-dimensional network building predictably produces exponential personal and business results.

As Albert Einstein said:

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.”
“Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.”
“Compound interest is the greatest mathematical discovery of all time.”

This is equally true of two-dimensional network building.

So how does two-dimensional network building work?

Simply put: You learn how to predictably and systematically build a network of Know Like & Trust network building advocates.

Most importantly the network must be authentically independent - not tightly coupled to any particular industry or profession (for example not a ‘front’ for an MLM)

In other words, the resulting network must be capable of benefiting the endeavours of people from virtually any ethical profession or industry.

Let’s look at some different types of networking:

The most basic form of networking is transactional networking. Here the main intent is to transact with others you meet as soon as possible. In this process you network with others in the hope that you will meet someone who will transact with you or refer/introduce you to people who will transact with you.

If you have at some time engaged in this type of networking (perhaps under pressure from someone who strongly suggested you should), you probably quickly discovered just how uncomfortable and ineffective this process is.
A step up from transactionally focused networking is relationship based networking. This is far more pleasant and effective because you build relationships with others before expecting transactions. This is far more effective and pleasant. However, it is still one-dimensional.

What if instead, you become more deliberate about building a two-dimensional relationship-based network?
Let’s say you started having conversations with a filtered list of potentially suitable people that you may not even know yet (such as people you meet on Linkedin).

Let’s say you invite them to meet with you for a ‘Coffee Alternative’ - a place where (should they decide) they can regularly attend for the purpose of building trusted relationships with you and the others you introduce them to.
Now you can implement the next 3 attributes which are the real magic that makes two-dimensional network building works so well:

(1) The first currency of contribution is proactively inviting others

What if the proposition made to those who see the value of exponential network growth is that they should also proactively invite people to regularly meet them and others they know at a common meeting place?
In other words the most basic currency of contribution is to proactively and continuously invite a ‘filtered’ list of other candidates into the same environment. And repeat this process with new associates who also see that value for all when they introduce people to an expanding Know Like and Trust environment.
Obviously, with this approach, you can start building your network even before you have decided what type of business you want to engage in (a very wise and safe option).
For example, you may be an employee who has the wisdom to build a network before selecting a business that will give you the results you desire. When you eventually do start a business you can do it far more safely because the network you have already built will support you. Also, you can seek advice from others you respect to review your business ideas.

(2) The process of inviting Social Media contacts to meet face to face is made simple, effective and easy to teach others.

What if there was also a documented learning process and a set of tools which made this process desirable, fast, easy and effective?

(3) People engaged in this process proactively and creatively advocate for trusted others engaged in the process

Just imagine being engaged in an ever-expanding group of people who’s strong goal is to bring business to you (whatever business you are in).
Also, because they trust you, they are willing to think of other contacts they can proactively promote you to.
They are prepared to do this because you have demonstrated that you prepared to do the same for them (obviously you developing trust first is of paramount importance).

What is the inevitable result?

Let’s say 100 per year of the people you meet on Linkedin (from a filtered list) make their digital connection 'live' by meeting you (and some of your associates) face to face at your weekly ‘Coffee Alternative’.
Very conservatively, let’s say only 5 of those 100 people, understand the potential of what is on offer (and are prepared to commit the small amount of time required to also invite 100 per year). After year 1 you would have: Yourself + 5 = 6 network building advocates.

When that repeats in year 2,3,4 it mathematically becomes 36, 216,1296 network building advocates you have introduced. And what about others in the environment doing the same thing?

Nice mathematical theory (thanks Mr Einstein for your enthusiasm about Compound Interest!).

But how well does it really work in practice?

Answer: Better than you may expect!
Like us you may have a healthy scepticism for claimed exponential growth.
In fact, we are finding those collaborating with us in this manner are achieving far greater results than through their traditional business development/employment methods.

With the technology available today, it’s easy to discover unique new ways to achieve better personal results.


seems to be the current buzzword. And Why Not when technology makes it easy to disrupt so many industries.

How many examples can you think of? Uber, Airbnb, a long list of others?

Surely the ultimate Disruption is building a network of networking building advocates and in the process, discover ideas in need of a network (Network first, Ideas second).

How many great ideas fail because their creators just didn’t have the right connections?

What if when you meet network-poor idea-creators you are able to help them ‘connect the dots’? (our experience is that in many cases they will offer you a ‘clip of the ticket’ for the business you generate for them).

If you are open to the idea of proactively building a network with like-minded others rather than just sporadically, uncomfortably and unpredictably networking, let’s connect!

Over the years we have built a large number of Know Like and Trust relationships and we are always happy to help people who want to get ahead and see the value of proactively collaborating with like-minded people.

Cheers Guy and Mike

Why Entrepreneurship is now for everyone

 Great article by Guy Wilson

Apart from the initial 5 years of my working life, I have been a full-time entrepreneur. This has allowed me to lead the kind of life that many would dream of.

Nevertheless, the path I took to becoming an entrepreneur is, I believe, now totally outdated and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone!

One of the businesses Mike (my brother) and I co-founded provided large corporates with software solutions that were well ahead of their time. Our business grew to be one of the largest software business of its type in Australia at the time. And we are pleased to say that business had a very happy ending.

However, the story could very easily have been very different. On at least 4 occasions we were wondering how we would pay the staff. And on numerous occasions, we found ourselves at the bank pleading for additional cash. And at the time the bank was charging us in excess of 20% interest p.a.

I was heartened by a comment from Richard Branson I recently read in which he described some painful experiences he had endured with his bank in his early days.

The traditional (and my view completely outdated and unnecessary) picture of an entrepreneur is one who is prepared to take large risks in order to reap potentially large rewards.

Why would you take large risks unless you had to - especially when the statistical chance of success is definitely stacked against you?

Perhaps every entrepreneurial spirit would answer differently as to WHY they took the risks

Here are my answers as to why I took the large (and in my view, no longer necessary) risks:

  • I wanted to live life rather than endure it (as so many seem to).
  • I wanted the combination of time as well as money which would allow me to create great memories relationships and experiences with my family and make a difference in the lives of others. I wanted to be in control of my decisions and to be able to pursue the adventures I wanted to pursue.
  • I never wanted to be part of the TGIF (Thank God it’s Friday) club! One may well ask: What’s next? The TGIO (Thank God It’s Over) Club?
  • I soon realised working for someone else would never give me the financial freedom to enjoy the kind of life I wanted.

My advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is, to begin with the end in mind

  • What personal results do you want your entrepreneurial pursuits to deliver?
  • Free Time?
  • Secure and sufficient income (type is just as important as amount)?
  • Having a purpose which inspires you?
  • Enjoying the journey?
  • You complete this list....

Fortunately, technology means that it’s now easier than ever to achieve the results of entrepreneurship without taking the risks the entrepreneurs of old were forced to take.

Unfortunately, it’s equally true that the ever-increasing adoption of technology also means it’s increasingly risky to rely on just being an employee.

In other words, do you have any choice but to start something ‘on the side’ of traditional employment (dig the well before you need the water)?

In his book ‘End of Jobs’ Taylor Pearson quite correctly says:

“What Seth and others have hinted at is that entrepreneurship isn’t just a life choice people are making simply because they are passionate about it, but rather because, for the first time, it’s safer, more accessible, and more profitable than ever before.

In short, it’s now safer to be an entrepreneur than it is to be an employee”

This book outlines what we already know: progressively jobs are becoming shorter in term and more difficult to obtain. There really is no such thing as job security anymore. We should instead be thinking in terms of personal income security.

It’s wise for you to consider how you can use technology to ‘clip the ticket’ to achieve leveraged income security, free time and the other benefits we would often associate with entrepreneurship.

It’s just a matter of starting a progressive change in thinking matching the changes made possible by rapid technological advances.

For example, if you are an employee, you could start by changing your thinking to 'I am a business providing another business with a service'. When you figure out a better way of providing that service, many other opportunities may find their way to you.

In my view, the safest, fastest and least risky way to achieve the entrepreneurial results you may desire is to engage with other like-minded people in building a collaborative 2-dimensional network (Click the following: 'Time to Disrupt Networking' for an explanation).

Ideally, start with the goal of building a network of Know Like & Trust relationships before you have decided on what entrepreneurial pursuit you will apply that network to.

This is totally counter-intuitive. Most people believe they need to find what they believe is a killer-can’t-fail idea and then find ways of marketing that idea by all means possible - including networking.

Good question: How many ‘killer-can’t-fail’ ideas have you seen fail?

And what sort of debt and personal destruction do such ‘failed’ great ideas usually leave in their wake?

Equally, how many fairly average ideas have you seen that actually succeed?

What’s the difference? Usually, it’s not the quality of the idea. It’s many other factors and especially the network you have that can support you and your new idea.

Visualise this for a moment: you have a Know Like & Trust network of networking building advocates. In other words, you have an ever-expanding group of people who will bring business to you rather than you having to chase it. People who will sell you instead of you having to sell yourself.

Further, visualise that you are simply an intermediary ‘clipping the ticket’ on the ever-increasing market you can create for multiple products or services. In other words, you don’t have the hassles or risk of owning a traditional business - you don’t have stock, employees, offices, etc

But you do have an ever-increasing income stream!

When you are the one with the trusted connections, you can connect the right people with the right people. And others will advocate for you.

It doesn’t matter what products or services you choose: it could be insurance, solar, real estate, financial investment, a new invention, just to name a few.

Contrary to popular opinion, good concepts or ideas are not in short supply!

What they generally lack is the connections to make them work. The old adage: ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know’ is truer now than it has ever been.

As you build an exponentially growing two-dimensional network, you will discover all kinds of great ideas that are easy to support and have exciting potential. Ideas which are scalable and on which you can ‘clip the ticket’. You will also have the opportunity to discuss these ideas with others whose judgement you have come to trust.

You will find the network of Know Like & Trust relationships more valuable than the stream of ‘great ideas’ which come and go.

When you understand how easily a two-dimensional network can be developed by collaborating with like-minded others to effectively and efficiently transition digital connections (such as LinkedIn connections) to face-to-face connections, you will have discovered the secret to becoming a very successful entrepreneur with very little risk.

Bottom-line: See the two-dimensional network of Know Like & Trust relationships you build as the greatest asset you will ever build - the asset which feeds all your entrepreneurial endeavours - risk-free.

If you have not already connected with Mike and me, please do so. If you are like-minded and know you’d like to achieve different results we would love to meet you in person and see how we may be able to help.

Cheers, Guy

The Power of Advocacy

Advocacy is the key that opens the door to opportunity, but it requires a network founded on a basis of strong relationships. 

Great article by Jason Ross

Imagine your life in 5 years, sitting at your desk, having come in late and without any intention to stay longer than lunch.

Imagine the clients you have, or the people that you lead.

Imagine these people take your calls or quickly get back to you when you phone or email them. They complete their objectives and work with enthusiasm, pay their invoices on time or listen when you offer advice; the advice you are more than qualified to provide.

These aren't an online collection of pseudo ‘friends’. You have deliberately surrounded yourself with people that make your life easier, not harder in real terms and it didn't happen by accident. A great network doesn't just ‘turn up’.

Imagine that this network of yours, of 50 or even 100 people. People who don't just know what you do for money, but who you are as a person.

More importantly, what if these great people actually opened doors for you into the relationships they valued. Introduced and referred you to people (and business) just like them; great people. Imagine this and then ask yourself; would I ever want for new clients, business, or career opportunities?

Of course you wouldn't. Abundance would be a word you'd become very familiar with.

Now consider where you are today. You are (hopefully) clear that a strong network of genuine relationships and advocacy is the holy grail of success, in your career or business so you're out networking at an event.

What would you prefer to walk into a room of 100 people and promote yourself, one to one, selling yourself and your wares? Repeating your ‘elevator pitch’ while assessing and being assessed based on the premise of ‘can we do business?’ Politely offering and collecting business cards to be discarded when you get home.

Wash, rinse and repeat. Over and over.

Or would you rather know 10, trusted advocates who know the other 90 people. Advocates who will deliberately and strategically know when to bring you into a conversation and their relationships?

Which would you choose?

Again, the choice is (or should be) obvious, because having people who advocate for you is far more time and energy effective, and advocacy comes with the power of trust. It's the lubricant that smooths the pathway to results and opportunity.

This isn't new. It's common knowledge. Yet, even knowing this most people (rightly or wrongly) still pursue the strategy of self promotion. Investing time and energy in one on one coffee meetings and networking events where they rely on their own efforts and an elevator pitch.

Wash, rinse and repeat.

Advocacy is the key that opens the door to opportunity, but it requires a network founded on a basis of strong relationships. 

Relationships, that are themselves based on a culture of genuine collaboration between everyone involved, and that requires trust.
The strength and reach of your personal network (not the business or organisation you work for) is directly related to the opportunity available to you and, the success you will achieve.

It is relevant if you're an employee starting a career or new job, an entrepreneur with a new idea or business owner with a business that is growing or failing. It's relevant if you are in a corporate environment or a not for profit. Everyone needs a network if they want more.

BUT if it's just you searching for great connections, building new relationships, strengthening the trust and making the calls to connect to others, how on earth are you going to manage the time and energy to build strong and genuine relationships with 10 people, let alone 50 or 100?

Where are you going to find the time when you're already working hard in your job or business, have a family, a social life or contribute to your community?

The answer; it depends.

It depends firstly on your desire to (incrementally) alter your short term focused strategy of wash, rinse and repeat (which only leads to more wash, rinse and repeat) into a long term one that provides an abundance of opportunity.

Secondly, it depends on if you're prepared to actually be deliberate with your time and energy; which is always required, regardless of the endeavour.

Finally and most importantly, it depends on your ability to create leverage or "personal scale", because if everything was down to you being the ‘magic’ that strength and reach is immediately going to be limited.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Art Of The Start

Some people have no problem setting goals. They know exactly what they want. They have plenty of ideas about how to get there, when they want to get there, and what they plan to do once they achieve their goal.  

But sometimes these same people have a quirk that trips them up: they’re terrible at getting started.  

Once they get the ball rolling, they’re fine. They hit their milestones, stick to their schedule, and do all the little things it takes get over the hump, finish strong, and realize their ambitions.  

The problem is, however, that all that’s meaningless if they can’t take that first step. They think they need to get tough on themselves about it. Try harder, they tell themselves. Suck it up, buttercup, they say. Just get over it and get started, already.  

Here’s a secret:

 beating yourself up over a shortcoming almost never works.  

Here’s a second secret. One that works: 


A Little Help from Your Friends 

Here’s what I propose. Create and rehearse a start sequence for yourself – but make it public. Not to the entire world, but to your public. The public that matters. Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, text groups, announce it at book club, or start a blog. 

Make it a public launch:  

"I registered for my first marathon, and my training starts on [insert date]. Follow my progress and cheer me on as I work toward my goal!"

There’s an old saying from the world of theater and other performing arts:  There’s nothing like the imminent arrival of the audience to light a fire under your backside. 

The same is true in this instance. Your friends and extended social group aren’t going to do any of the work for you, but if you know they’re waiting for you to start and they’re eager to track your progress, it will dramatically increase the chance you’ll actually get started. 

Going public takes it to another level. It makes it more than an idea that only exists in your head. It makes it real. 

That personal and public recognition will galvanize you into action and give you that extra push you need to get started. 

Because for you, getting started is the biggest battle of all.  Clear that hurdle, and you’re well on your way to success. 

Onward and Upward!

Ivan’s comments


What are you going to start? What SMART goal do you want to achieve? By when? 


Break your  journey into bite size chunks - lots of little achievable goals

Go Public

Celebrate your successes with your audience. 
Share commiserations and failures with your audience - ask them to hold you accountable and cheer you on !!


build momentum -  heard a great definition of momentum at the Tony Robbins rock concert the other day.... momentum is motion with emotion 

Have “Astitude” -

Put your body into it - and shake your arse - literally - your “astitude” will determine your “attitude” (
Joseph McClendon III

Click here to find out more 

Friday, September 14, 2018

10X Business Accelerator




The road to business success is littered with failed dreams.... the dreams of people just like you.

People with BIG IDEAS laid low by: Slow sales. Distribution delays. Unreliable suppliers. Broken promises. Legal disputes. Bad debts. Dwindling cash reserves. The list goes on …

If these are the kind of problems that are keeping you awake at night, you are a perfect fit for the 10X Business Accelerator. A 10-month program that will help you keep your dream alive by:

  • Avoiding the pitfalls that cause over 66% of businesses to fail in the first 10 years. Don't become part of this scary statistic
  • Rapidly building your sales, cash flow and profits. So you can pay yourself a decent wage
  • Developing a clear pathway to commercialise your “big idea”. Keep your dream alive!




  • Interactive workshops facilitated by industry experts to build your knowledge and skills
  • Collaborative business forums to develop practical implementation solutions and problem solve
  • Mastermind lunches and Gala Forums featuring inspirational guest speakers to ignite your passion and expand your business network
  • Extensive online learning support, tools and strategies enabling you to access tailored support for your business


  • A solid business plan to grow your business and rapidly increase sales and profits
  • More cash in your pocket
  • An expanded network of business contacts and suppliers to support your expansion plans
  • An internationally recognised business qualification BSB50215 Diploma of Business

This program is VET Student Loan approved

Further Info


Starting a business can be a thankless and lonely task. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Join us at our complimentary briefing to find out how our unique blend of education, collaboration, training, mentoring and best-of-breed tools can put extra cash in your pocket. And keep your dream alive.


Seating at this exclusive Briefing is strictly limited to 50 people and tickets will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. So book now to avoid disappointment and discover a better way to keep your dream alive.

 Sydney Tuesday 16 Oct 12-20m -L7 14 Martin Place

Melbourne - Friday 12 Oct 8-10am -L26  367 Collins Street

Brisbane - Wednesday 10 Oct 12-3pm - L9 123 Eagle Street

BSIL logo

Monday, September 10, 2018

Are you right for our forum?

“None of us is as smart as all of us” - A Japanese Proverb 

Join a safe, confidential and trusting “BBG Forum” of up to 20 peer CEO’s, Executives , ENtrepreneurs, Business Owners and Leaders

Business owners and leaders from non-competing companies and organizations – free of any conflicts of interests and hidden agendas, meet, with the objective of helping each other grow!

Your “BBG Forum” , is a powerful group of up to 20 members, meeting once a  month,  where you discuss opportunities, challenges and issues relating to you business. It provides feedback and guidance on an intellectual and emotional level (food for the business soul) , tapping into the core source of true leadership .

As a member of the “BBG Forum” you are also invited to our Mastermind Lunches and Gala Events , where you meet  the members, with a view to network, collaborate, connect and grow.

The BBG Forums are  facilitated by accredited “BBG facilitators”  who facilitate the group, and discusses “leadership Insights”, enabling you to “lift your leadership lid” and “grow as  a leader”.

The Goal – to have 10,000 members in 10 Countries within 5 years!

And of course , you as a member have the opportunity to connect and collaborate with the other members using Referron and our proprietary CRM on Bitrix 24.

WHat is your USP?

Your uniqueness separates you from competitors in the minds of customers. How does your service or product better service your client than anyone else?

Identify your Unique Sales Proposition (USP)  or “Point of Difference” from the customers perspective.

Give them a compelling reason to buy!

It goes without saying that you need to have as a standard minimum, a great product or service, and a story of how your product or service is special and why your customer should trust you.

5 Pointers to help you create  and promote your Unique Sales Proposition
  1. Identify your target customers            
  2. What customers pain do you solve?
  3. List three customer benefits by using your product or service. (from the clients perspective)
  4. Are any of these benefits unique or better than your competitors;
  5. Make a list of the ways to communicate and promote what makes you unique eg, website, brochures, emarketing, webinars, events, seminars,  on-hold messages.

What is your Unique Selling Proposition? For the best answer, I will arrange you to promote your business in Spark Magazine (www.sparkmag,co) on a video, that can also be posted on your website and other social network sites!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

A big few Weeks at BBG - Pictures tells 1000 words

It’s been a feast of collaboration learning and growth with dollops of klt at BBG the last few weeks! 

Friday 7 August

THursday 6 August

Tuesday 4 August

City 2 Surf a few weeks back 

Last week

(Below:- Tany intervewing the SEO and Chairman of KPMG
Tanya is my daughter - so this picture Slot’s in :)

Our Sydney Gala Event with Michelle Duval

A bit of action by our Feds

This week - be our guest at our BBG Forum 

  • Parramatta Forum with George Mavros 
  • Brisbane South Bbg forum with Marilyn Burton
  • Melbourne Central Forum with Geoff Kelly 
  • Perth Forum with Greg Smargiassi