Referron enables you to send your vcard to people you meet , and easily refer them to people in your network that you know like and trust in seconds. Referron can report your activities - because what you can measure you can manage! This blog will h lp you as an entrepreneur and business owner to grow with the 5 Cs . Connection, Collaboration, Contribution, Continuity and building Capability to build old an amazing Community
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014
How to get yourself on radio - and get referrals!!!
Take a look at this.
" Did you know about this? This is my buddy I told you about at the dinner the other night and he had a business card app, I told him about referron, he told this marketing gal about it and it ended up on the radio!"
Les Vitale, CPA, MST
Local Markets Group
McGladrey LLP
Les Vitale, CPA, MST
Local Markets Group
McGladrey LLP