Referron enables you to send your vcard to people you meet , and easily refer them to people in your network that you know like and trust in seconds. Referron can report your activities - because what you can measure you can manage! This blog will h lp you as an entrepreneur and business owner to grow with the 5 Cs . Connection, Collaboration, Contribution, Continuity and building Capability to build old an amazing Community
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Great review on referron and the importance of referrals
Referral are key to grow your business, says Kane and there are 3 areas that one has to overcome to make that referral work:-
1. Make it happen - when you want to refer to someone,, referron makes it easy for you to take action on the fly! - and if you refer to them, they will refer to you and your business will grow!
2. Get parties to connect to each other - referron enables this to happen by providing tools for the business to follow up their referrals.
3. Did the referral work out - referron provides the methodology of giving the referrer feedback, and gives him the ability to account and manage the referrals that he or she has given!
Kane says that the app is brilliant , and wishes that he had an application like this when building his businesses 10 years ago! "referron is one of the best tools I have seen in a long time that helps business refer and get referred!"
Saturday, June 22, 2013
How to get the Golden chain of referrals… referral after referral after referral!!
I listened to a great video of Brian Tracy
on referrals
The most effective way to grow your
business is if your clients and friends would recommend you to others… a warm
lead is worth 15 - 25 times a cold call.
Levitt of Harvard said that the most
valuable asset of a business is its reputation
–it is the heart of the brand – how do customers think about your
product and service? – how do they talk about you there when you are not there?
This is a key question that you should be
asking your clients…..
Based on your experience with us, how would
you rate us between 1 – 10.
- If 9 – they will come back and refer friends
- If 6-8 – they might come back , but will not refer – ask them what you can next time to make their experience a 9 or a 10!
- If 1 – 6 – they won’t come back , and will tell their frinds not to come and buy from you – they will be detractors!! – ask them what you can next time to make their experience a 9 or a 10! Then you do it… then thank customer – did what you said and make part of your policy…
you are rated 9 or 10 - Ask them for a referral to 1 or 2 people… Remember, when a person gives you a referral they are risking there
reputation.. you have a responsibility to that referral partner, to provide a
brilliant service to their lead!!
So, in summary….
- ASK customers how they rate you
- If less than 9 – what can you do to make the service a 9 or a 10 – and improve your product or service accordingly…. Fix up your systems and processes
- If 9 or 10 , who are 1 or 2 others that they can recommend!
- Thank your customers for referrals , and for their recommendations to improve. Referron can be a brilliant tool to make it easy for your customers to refer to you!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Facts Tell, but stories Sell

My answer is always the same. In order to be successful in building relationships that will lead to business referrals and opportunities, there are four principles to focus on. Understanding this formula can improve your business networking success in amazing ways.
No. 1: Quality Connections ONLY! (people you know , like and trust)
Quality is first element on the list for a reason. The process begins by being very selective about who you bring into your circle of business networking relationships. You want quality business professionals who have a positive, supportive attitude. You also want people who are good at what they do. Effective networking is also dependent on the quality of the relationships that you actually develop in the group. If your network is a mile wide and an inch deep, you won’t be getting the referrals you expect. Therefore, it is important to build deep relationships with your referral partners if you want to generate more referrals.
In order to ensure quality participation, there has to be accountability in a group. One of the strengths of a good network is that many of the members are friends. One of the weaknesses of a good network is…that many of the members are friends. Friends don’t like to hold friends accountable. However, when you are networking for referrals and business opportunities, you simply have to understand that there is a place for the friendship – and a separate place for the business interaction.
You need to be held accountable for the referrals you give to your business networking relationship – and they need to be held accountable for the business opportunities they pass to you. If you expect the best from your referral relationships, you’ll get it. If you expect less than the best from them, you’ll get it. Why accept mediocrity when excellence is an option? Accountability going both ways will help you achieve excellence.
No. 2: The More, The Merrier
Years ago I learned that there is a dramatic correlation between the size of a quality networking group and the number of referrals that are generated by that group. Groups under 20 do not generate as many referrals (proportionately) as do groups over 20 and the math proves it. If you have a group of 16 people, that group has 256 connections (16x16). [See Diagram A] However, a group of 32 people has 1024 connections (24x24)! [See Diagram B]. I call this the "Squared Connection Effect.”
a difference in the total number of connections and inevitably the amount of referrals that can be generated from your group.
So as you begin to build your own network of referral relationships, keep in mind that the more, the better! The bottom line is that the more connections you have (based on quality relationships of course), the more referrals you can generate. The math is pretty significant and consistent.
No. 3: Get Engaged
Engagement involves a promise and an action. In order to achieve success in your group of networking relationships, you and your relationships must promise to support one another and then take the actions necessary to fulfill that promise.
There are many ways that you can become engaged. Have you taken the time to regularly meet with the people in your network? Have you taken the time to educate them regularly on the key features of your business so that your products or services will be top of mind as they are out and meet someone with a need for them? Have you taken the time to become educated on the key features of your networking relationships’ businesses so that you can do the same?
The higher the number of people in your network engaged in these activities, the more likely the entire group will be generating more referrals. The reason for this is a shared vision of success and a shared implementation of that vision.
Another way to be actively engaged and educated about each other’s businesses is to do regular and consistent meetings. Over and over, I see that business owners who have regular “one to one” meetings with their business networking relationships tend to both give AND get more referrals.
Lastly, are you focusing on your “elevator pitch”? The best way that your referral sources are going to remember what you do is when you focus on breaking your business down to laser specific elements of your business. Sharp-shoot your pitch, don’t shotgun it. In each of your regular “one to one” meetings, talk about one key element, product, or benefit of what you do.
According to Psychology Today, research has found that people who are “actively engaged” in a business environment are “43% more productive” than those who are not.
Furthermore, they state that engagement includes “regular dialogue, quality of working relationships, perceptions of ethos and values of the organization, and recognition.” There’s research behind my recommending reciprocal engagement between you and your referral partners. In fact, it’s critical to your success – and theirs.
No. 4: Share Stories! “company facts tell, but stories sell”
Here’s the last, although possibly the most important piece of for success in networking. Tell stories. Listening closely to the information shared by those in your referral network will help you tell positive stories about them when you see opportunities to refer them. Doing those regular meetings with each of them will help you to tell stories when you give referrals. Think about your many experiences and write them down.
A number of years ago I met Robert Dickman, author of The Elements of Persuasion. He taught me the formula for a good story:
- A story is a fact
- Wrapped in an emotion
- That compels us to take action
- That transforms us in some way
- The key here is that a good story compels people to take action and that this action transforms or helps them in some way. I always try to re-live a story, not just re-tell a story. Make it sound fresh and alive. That is an important aspect of story telling.
Called the "father of modern networking" by CNN, Dr. Ivan Misner is a New York Times bestselling author. He is the Founder and Chairman of BNI (, the world's largest business networking organization. His latest book, Room Full of Referrals, can be viewed at Dr. Misner is also the Sr. Partner for the Referral Institute (, an international referral training company.
5 Ways to Build Trust in the Digital Age
A consumer’s decision on whether to work with you is ultimately based on trust. Here’s how you can get the inside track on gaining their confidence — and their business.

There was a time when the decision to do business with someone was based on the number of known options and the availability of information about that person or company. If you saturated your local market with advertising, or if you were the only game in town, there was a pretty good chance that you would be top of mind when the consumer was ready to buy or sell.
Things have changed dramatically. Consumers today are empowered with unlimited access to educational resources and information about every topic, product, or service they can possibly think of. The evolution of hyperconnected consumers in highly networked markets has forever transformed how we earn the trust of consumers and how we advertise or market our businesses.
The decision to hire a person or company depends less on the availability of options and more on the degree of perceived or actual trust that is earned during the shopping or research stages of the buying process. The April 2012 Nielsen report Global Trust in Advertising and Brand Messages tells a very clear story about which forms of advertising are considered trustworthy and which are not.
Respondents were presented with a list of advertising media and asked to rate their level of trust as either “Trust Completely/Somewhat” or “Don’t Trust Much/At All.” Let’s take a look at the top five most trustworthy forms of advertising and promotion:
- Recommendations from people I know (92 percent of respondents said they trust these endorsements).
- Consumer opinions posted online (70 percent)
- Editorial content such as newspaper articles (58 percent)
- Branded Web sites (50 percent)
- E-mails I signed up for (47 percent)
Now, let’s analyze how to apply this knowledge to amplify a Mayorism campaign.
1. Recommendations from people I know
Tapping this high-trust source of information has always been the absolute best way to grow your business, because these are referrals that know and trust you, and in turn they are trusted by people who know them. Ultimately, getting these recommendations involves a simple two-step process:
1. Do a good job for your clients.
2. When the transaction is over, ask them to refer people they know to you.
It’s amazing that more real estate professionals don’t do this. While you’re asking them to spread the word, see if they’d be willing to share their positive comments online, either in a text testimonial or a promotional video.
2. Consumer opinions posted online
You might be thinking about Yelp or some other online review service, but there are even more powerful ways to earn the trust of this consumer.
Answering questions and comments on your Web site and answering questions on other consumer-focused sites is a fantastic, free opportunity for you to show your expertise and experience. Great resources for this strategy are Advice, Voices, and Q&A.
Best practice on these forums is to openly share your experience. You will see many of your competitors using these services to troll for leads by responding to questions with answers like this one from Q&A. It took me all of 30 seconds to find this response to a consumer’s question:
“Hi Mitch,
I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have; feel free to contact me directly.”
I’m thinking a nice Cabernet might best be paired with this cheese. (In other words, don’t be this guy.)
3. Editorial content such as newspaper articles
The best strategy here is to reach out to the local newspapers and circulars in your neighborhood and offer to provide advice, information, and market statistics about your home town. These contributions need to be completely consumer-centric and not an advertisement for you or your company.
Newspapers will not publish you if they feel like you’re only out for yourself. You will find the return on investment for this strategy will pay off in multiples if you approach it as an educator and consumer advocate. The best-case scenario here is that you simply republish articles you’re already writing for your own Web site or blog, as this should be your approach to your own blog as well.
4. Branded Web sites
Similar to the strategy above, if you consistently publish answers to the questions that consumers have about your area of expertise on your Web site, you will earn their trust and — if Nielsen is right — you’ll have a 50-50 shot at earning your reader’s trust.
5. E-mails I signed up for
Never underestimate the value of building an opt-in list of people who trust your message. Give consumers the ability to “stay informed” through e-mail after they leave your Web site, visit your open house, or read your articles.
The strategy I use on my site is to send a weekly e-mail of the articles I wrote during the previous week. This not only helps hold me accountable for writing at least a couple of articles a week but also allows the reader to get to know me through my posts. I find consumers from my opt-in e-mail list who call me about have already made the decision to do business with me.
Most of the strategies I detailed above focus on online consumers, but offering to keep folks up-to-date and informed is just as effective when meeting with buyers or sellers in person. Big picture–focused, savvy Mayorism “candidates” will see that all trust-generating strategies can be woven together into a sales funnel that will produce consistent, long-term results for you and your business for years to come. Be trustworthy, and they will come.

Monday, June 17, 2013
The Eight Secrets of Referral Success
Looking for ways to grow your business?
Here are eight action points to help you develop valuable relationships and cultivate a network of endless referrals.
Secret #1 only refer businesses that you know like and trust
Secret#2 When it comes to commissions, be transparent. Disclose commissions
Secret #3. Find Opportunities to Reciprocate Referrals
Referral reciprocity helps build lasting, trusting relationships, shows appreciation, and strengthens business bonds. This reciprocity feeds on thoughtfulness. Continued business success results.
Secret #4. Always Speak with Respect
Be professional and positive at all times. Know that you put the referring agent in a good light if the match is successful. Also, if you speak ill of others, it will get back to them. Show respect for everyone involved: both those who connect the parties and those who have something to give.
Secret #5. Keep Track of Where a Referral Came From
If you were referred to for your specialty, stick to what you specialize in. Send your referral back to the referring agent if additional work needs to be done. This builds trust and sets the stage for future referrals. Keep track of who referred you so you can officially thank them.
Secret #6. Send “Thank You” Notes to All Referral Sources
Say “thank you” to all referring agents, whether you take on the work or not. If you do the work, show your gratitude by sending each of them a formal “thank you” note when you complete it.
Secret #7. After the Connection, Follow Up
Follow up via phone or email to your referring sources. This will strengthen your relationship, improve how you do business together, and keep your name “top of mind” when the next opportunity comes along.
Secret #8 use A#referron to achieve the above!
Follow this basic format for all your referrals and feel confident that your referral etiquette is on track for business success.
5 Ways to Build Trust in the Digital Age
Respondents were presented with a list of advertising media and asked to rate their level of trust as either “Trust Completely/Somewhat” or “Don’t Trust Much/At All.” Let’s take a look at the top five most trustworthy forms of advertising and promotion:
- Recommendations from people I know (92 percent of respondents said they trust these endorsements).
- Consumer opinions posted online (70 percent)
- Editorial content such as newspaper articles (58 percent)
- Branded Web sites (50 percent)
- E-mails I signed up for (47 percent)
See more
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Sunday, June 2, 2013
If you get a referral.... follow up!!
The most common mistake in networking is not following up!
Isn't it frustrating when you give a networking partner a referral and they drop the ball and don’t follow up on it.
Remember, if you aren’t following up when your referral partners call you and/or aren’t following up on the referrals you’re given, you’re not just losing business . . . you’re also losing your credibility and that’s something which is extremely difficult to earn back.
Have you had an experience where you gave a referral to someone and they didn’t follow up on it? If so, will you continue to give that person referrals? Or, have you dropped the ball on following up on a referral before? If the answer is yes, did you learn a lesson from it?
Tell us your story? Thanks!
Referron in 30 Seconds
Pitch your Business in 30 Seconds!
Why should people come and see you at CeBIT this year?
Why should people come and see you at CeBIT this year?
NewsMaker - Referron launches 'missing tool' - an ...
Venture Capital in Australia: NewsMaker - Referron launches 'missing tool' - an ...: NewsMaker - Referron launches 'missing tool' - an app to connect with and empower your business champions
Referron at CeBiT
Venture Capital in Australia: Referron at CeBiT: Pitch your Business in 30 Seconds! Why should people come and see you at CeBIT this year?